all I ever wanted…

about my travelogues, adventures in life, fashion, beauty and the occasional rambling.

Posts Tagged ‘phytoncide

LoveMore Alps Spring & Phytoncide Moisturizing Mask (Review)

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Today I bring you yet another sheet mask review! I have been enjoying doing these surprisingly so I hope that you have enjoyed reading them too 🙂

LoveMore is a Taiwan brand that has been gaining popularity for its cute packaging. I tried NOT to be too much of a sucker for cute packaging for sheet masks since you throw them away after you use it so when there was a deal for 2 boxes at Watsons, it was a good time to try them out!

I thought I had taken a photo of the front and back but realised that I forgot. And, that was the last piece of the whole box -_-

The mask was slightly big on my face but I have no issues with that. It sticks to my skin pretty well, which is something I don’t usually notice but for this mask it just doesn’t move after I adjust it into place. I think this is an amazing point because some masks tend to shift which can get really annoying.

The material is not smooth cotton, I don’t know how to describe it but it looks like this:

As per the description: ‘Using ingredients from Apls’s spring with hyaluronic acid and phytoncide, this refreshing mask awakens your skin’s moisturizing ability, and allows your skin to absorb the beneficial effects from the mask easily and becomes moisturized instantly!’

After taking off the mask, my skin does feel more hydrated 😀 Something else to note is that it smells really refreshing but is not overpowering. All in all, I really did enjoyed using this mask and is very much likely to repurchase it!

Written by whitepaperroses

April 11, 2012 at 10:23 PM