all I ever wanted…

about my travelogues, adventures in life, fashion, beauty and the occasional rambling.

Posts Tagged ‘pre-wedding

Pre-wedding shoot’s dress.

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For those who have been reading, you guys know that I went to Melbourne for my pre-wedding photo shoot. We spent much more money than the average couple because we did the photography ala carte, but it was all worth it! I hope at least, still haven’t seen the photos yet :p

Here are some photos of my dress which I got from Z Wedding Bridal Studio. I will do a wedding post (eventually) as a review and guide for other brides to be in Singapore!

I look extremely tired because we just got back from our morning shoot. I woke up at 330am (which is 130am in Singapore) and I was shivering most of the time because of the winds. Ah, the things we do for a picture.

You are an angel in my life, guiding me whenever I’m lost, holding my hands whenever I’m scared. Truly blessed to have you and I can’t wait for July to come 🙂

Excited for the photos! Meanwhile, Happy Chinese New Year to all! Have fun eating and having awkward conversations with people you only see once a year. X

Written by whitepaperroses

January 21, 2012 at 2:32 PM